Thursday, July 30, 2015

Rubric Nightmare

One of the reasons I started using rubrics was because the traditional way of  grading assignments was too time consuming for me and sometimes ineffective. So, I started using rubrics and life changed a bit, but not too much.  I found that when I had created the perfect rubric,  it was not the perfect rubric at all. I would come across issues that were not present in the rubric I had created. Even though I still use rubrics, since I refuse to go back to the traditional way, there is got to be a better way. According to Jennifer Gonzalez posting on " Cult of Pedagogy" the answer to this problem might be solved using a single-point rubric.  She says," single-point rubric is a lot like an analytic rubric, because it breaks down the components of an assignment into different criteria. What makes it different is that it only describes the criteria for proficiency; it does not attempt to list all the ways a student could fall short, nor does it specify how a student could exceed expectations."

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