Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Making a Presentation Interesting

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The Importance of the Circle of Safety

Simon Sinek in his book "Leaders Eat Last" uses the concept of the circle of safety to make the point as to why some companies are more effective than others.  

He writes that since Caveman times humans have worked in a circle of safety to fend off danger. Sinek provides examples in his book that show why some leaders will go out of their way to care for their employees, not hesitating to give them support. In organizations where no circle of safety exists, individuals have to constantly work selfishly to protect themselves from dangers. In this type of organization, there is no cooperation and leaders do not look out for the best interests of their employees. As a teacher, right now, depending where you work, we are swimming against the current because there is no circle of safety. Throughout the country we are facing dangers like the Common Core, the abolition of tenure, the accountability of standardized testing, the divide of technology in schools, and the list goes on and on. We need leaders that can create circles of safety for us, the teachers,  who decided to make a difference and who give our service to the nation in such trying times.

Sinek Video

Read Interview